Intus Care

225 Dyer Street
Providence, Rhode Island 02903
Client Services
- Exploration: Feasibility, Market Analysis, Planning
- Development: Application, Licensing, Quality and Compliance Program Training, Utilization Management Program Development, Provider Network Development and Oversite, Quality Based Contracting, IDT Development
- Operations: Audit Prep, Growth, Operations, Training/Coaching, Education
Key Employees and PACE Experience
Laura Ferrara
Laura has worked within PACE for 12 years as Director of Quality and Compliance, Director of Operations, Director of Marketing and Enrollment, Chief Strategy Officer, and Chief Executive Officer of the second largest PACE program in MI. Laura has served on the NPA Quality Committee, NPA Board of Directors, and PACE Association of MI Board of Directors.
Began Providing Technical Assistance for PACE
PACE Clients Served
PACE Applications Submitted
PACE Organizations Moved from Market Feasibility to Ongoing Operations
State Rate-Setting Experience
As the CEO of a large PACE program in MI and as a PAM board member, Laura has experience in the MI MDHHS rate setting and encounter reporting meetings and processes.