Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

NPA believes in the fundamental principles of diversity, equity and inclusion and that proactive efforts are needed to realize opportunities for increasing the satisfaction of NPA and PACE staff and the experience and quality of care for participants. The NPA Council on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion elevates and addresses issues of equity and social and racial justice.
Elevating and Addressing Issues of Equity and Social and Racial Justice
NPA established the Council on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion to elevate and address issues of equity and social and racial justice. The association believes in the fundamental principles of equity, diversity and inclusion and that proactive efforts to recognize these principles are necessary to realize the enormous opportunities that exist to increase the satisfaction and fulfillment of NPA and PACE organization staff and the experience and quality of care for PACE participants.
Recognizing that each PACE participant and staff person offers a unique set of ideas, beliefs and skills shaped by their heritage, background and culture, NPA considers diversity, equity and inclusivity critical to the success of PACE and essential to the empowerment, collaboration and innovation needed to maintain PACE as a leader in the health care industry.
A true commitment to the principles of diversity, equity and inclusion demands action. The NPA Council on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion will serve as a catalyst to foster environments within NPA and its member organizations that recognize and value varying experiences and perspectives and the importance of these environments in achieving satisfaction and fulfillment among PACE staff and the highest quality of care for PACE participants. The council will serve as a change agent, focusing on areas such as education and awareness, leadership and workforce development, and analyses and evaluation.
NPA has appointed representatives from PACE organizations, an NPA Board of Directors liaison, and NPA staff to the council. The council establishes subcommittees to further develop goals, objectives and activities to elevate and enhance the commitment of NPA to diversity, equity and inclusion.
For more information, contact Mia Phifer , senior vice president of Quality and Compliance at NPA.
NPA Releases Resource to Support DEI Efforts in PACE
While many leaders promote diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in their organizations, many often struggle to make meaningful progress. Although there are various reasons DEI efforts are ineffective, one fundamental barrier is an unclear DEI strategy.
Under the direction of the NPA Council on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, the Leadership Development Workgroup has developed a DEI strategic plan framework with the objective of assisting PACE leadership and collaborating stakeholders in the advancement of DEI.
The DEI Strategic Plan Framework resource guide outlines four stages of the DEI journey for an organization: executive alignment, creating a DEI road map, implementing the road map, and benchmarking and monitoring. Recognizing that PACE organizations are at different points on their journey, each stage of the framework is designed to be informative and to support their efforts to achieve high-quality, equitable care for those served by PACE.
Council on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Workgroup
As outlined in the council NPA DEI Council Charter, NPA believes in the fundamental principles of equity, diversity and inclusion and that proactive efforts to fully recognize these principles are necessary to realize the enormous opportunities that exist to increase the satisfaction and fulfillment of NPA and PACE organization staff and the experience and quality of care of PACE participants.
In recognition and support of these principles, the NPA established the Council on DEI to elevate and address issues of equity and social and racial justice. The council fosters within NPA and its member organizations environments that recognize and value varying experiences and perspectives and the importance of such environments to achieving satisfaction and fulfillment among PACE staff, and the highest quality of care for PACE participants. The council also serves as a catalyst for change and an advocate for diversity, equity and inclusion through education and awareness, leadership development, workforce development, analyses and evaluation.
The Council on DEI has established workgroups to advance activities in these areas that are intended to reinforce an inclusive culture and foster diversity and equity. The following workgroups have been established to focus on activities in support of the stated goals and objectives.
Communication and Language Assistance Workgroup
Goal: To advance communication and language assistance efforts within PACE to improve the quality of services provided to all individuals, which will ultimately help reduce health disparities and achieve health equity.
- Identification of resources that can assist PACE organization in assessing their communication and language assistance services.
- Development of vetted list of translation and interpreter service providers to serve as a resource to PACE organizations.
- Development of resources outlining best practices for engagement of PACE staff in the provision of translation and interpreter services (e.g., training and certification, compensation).
- Exploration of including providers of translation and interpreter services in the NPA Preferred Vendor Program.
Leadership Development Workgroup
Goal: The development of PACE leadership to gain support and ability for DEI to drive change throughout PACE and to promote a more diverse, inclusive, and equitable workplace.
- Development of sustainable approaches to promote leadership diversity in PACE.
- Identification of effective strategies to educate PACE leaders on inclusive leadership skills.
Workforce Development Workgroup
Goal: To identify and promote strategies that attract, hire, and retain an inclusive and diverse PACE workforce that is treated equitably.
- Identification of recruiting practices that embrace diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) to ensure all identified talent feels a sense of belonging and well-being.
- Development of strategies that promote a workplace culture of retention in consideration of the well-being of PACE staff.
For more information, contact Mia Phifer, senior vice president of Quality and Compliance.
For More Information
Contact Mia Phifer