Starting/Expanding PACE

New PACE programs begin with a desire to provide high-quality care in the community to older people with chronic needs. NPA offers numerous resources and tools for providers.

Understanding the PACE Model

Social worker sitting at table with participantDeveloping an understanding of the program and service requirements of the PACE model of care, its flexibility, and the stages of development across a team of management and clinical leaders will form a foundation for moving forward within the organization. 

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About APIQ

The National PACE Association (NPA) has launched the Alliance for PACE Innovation and Quality (APIQ) to support continued advancement of PACE quality, expanded PACE access, and PACE growth.

Building on resources and knowledge developed under the NPA PACE 2.0 initiative, APIQ will provide organizations with individualized support and consultation related to PACE quality and growth. With a grant from The John A. Hartford Foundation, West Health, and The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation, in the next year APIQ will be piloting consultation services, at reduced fees for individual organizations, to address these goals.

APIQ services include:

  • PACE Quality Recognition Program
  • Advisory services and support related to PACE growth, financing, and prospective providers
  • Advisory services for State Agencies

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Assessment Tools

data background chartAssessing the needs of your community will help to determine if there is adequate demand to support a new PACE program and will lay the foundation for establishing referral networks that will help the program build census, contract for services to meet PACE participant needs, and foster public support. NPA offers a number of Assessment Tools.

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Financial Planning

Data background with charts and graphsPACE Financial Planning Tools consist of a financial proforma model and other resources. These tools help organizations assess the viability of developing a PACE program and present their plans for PACE development to others, including external investors. The tools help expanding PACE organizations explain PACE from a financial planning point of view.

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PACE Technical Assistance Centers

diverse colleagues sitting at conference tablePACE Technical Assistance Centers (TACs) provide the expertise and guidance in operations, marketing and financing needed to help prospective PACE providers build a successful program. TACs provide support and guidance throughout each phase of the development process.

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Resources for States

Participant at computer wearing headphonesStates are an integral part of the three-way partnership with the federal government and PACE providers to provide the option of PACE to its citizens. NPA offers resources to support states in opting to amend their state Medicaid plan for PACE, and for ongoing oversight and monitoring.

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Occasionally states will issue RFPs to encourage organizations to open PACE programs to serve specific communities.

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30th Anniversary Magazine

Learn more about how NPA supports members including PACE organizations by reading the NPA 30th Anniversary magazine.

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