Press Releases

NPA Applauds the PACE Anytime Act Introduced by Senators Bob Casey and Mike Braun

Jul 26, 2024, 09:35 AM by Robert Greenwood

WASHINGTON, DC – JULY 25, 2024 – The National PACE Association (NPA) expressed its enthusiastic support of the bipartisan PACE Anytime Act introduced today by U.S. Senators Bob Casey (D-PA), and Mike Braun  (R-IN), Chairman and Ranking Member of the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging.

NPA applauds Chairman Casey and Ranking Member Braun for addressing this significant barrier facing older adults wanting to enroll in Programs of All-Inclusive Care (PACE) since new patients may begin receiving care only on the first of every month. The PACE Anytime Act would eliminate this barrier by allowing eligible individuals to enroll in PACE at any time during a month. The bill also provides the ability to prorate capitation payments to account for varying PACE enrollment dates.

“No older adult should have to wait until the first of the month to begin receiving care and services from PACE," said Shawn Bloom, president and CEO of NPA. He continued, "Given the rapidly rising numbers of older Americans and their clear desire to age in place, it is imperative for our nation to encourage ready access to PACE-- a holistic model of care well equipped to meet individuals' complex care needs at home and in the community rather than a nursing facility." 

Other comparable providers, including skilled nursing facilities (SNFs), home health and hospice  are not required to wait for the first of the month to enroll patients who need immediate care. Patients can receive care from those providers In addition to delaying care, PACE enrollment limitations often force PACE-eligible individuals to seek care in SNFs and other modalities that are already critically overburdened.

The National PACE Association is grateful to Senate Aging Committee Chairman Casey and Ranking Member Braun for seeking to rectify this inequity, so that older adults do not face arbitrary delays in obtaining life-sustaining care from PACE," said Bloom.

NPA Applauds the PACE Anytime Act Introduced by Senators Bob Casey and Mike Braun

Jul 26, 2024, 09:35 AM by Robert Greenwood

WASHINGTON, DC – JULY 25, 2024 – The National PACE Association (NPA) expressed its enthusiastic support of the bipartisan PACE Anytime Act introduced today by U.S. Senators Bob Casey (D-PA), and Mike Braun  (R-IN), Chairman and Ranking Member of the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging.

NPA applauds Chairman Casey and Ranking Member Braun for addressing this significant barrier facing older adults wanting to enroll in Programs of All-Inclusive Care (PACE) since new patients may begin receiving care only on the first of every month. The PACE Anytime Act would eliminate this barrier by allowing eligible individuals to enroll in PACE at any time during a month. The bill also provides the ability to prorate capitation payments to account for varying PACE enrollment dates.

“No older adult should have to wait until the first of the month to begin receiving care and services from PACE," said Shawn Bloom, president and CEO of NPA. He continued, "Given the rapidly rising numbers of older Americans and their clear desire to age in place, it is imperative for our nation to encourage ready access to PACE-- a holistic model of care well equipped to meet individuals' complex care needs at home and in the community rather than a nursing facility." 

Other comparable providers, including skilled nursing facilities (SNFs), home health and hospice  are not required to wait for the first of the month to enroll patients who need immediate care. Patients can receive care from those providers In addition to delaying care, PACE enrollment limitations often force PACE-eligible individuals to seek care in SNFs and other modalities that are already critically overburdened.

The National PACE Association is grateful to Senate Aging Committee Chairman Casey and Ranking Member Braun for seeking to rectify this inequity, so that older adults do not face arbitrary delays in obtaining life-sustaining care from PACE," said Bloom.