The preferred name that the organization uses to market itself to the general public.
This is generally a main administrative office phone number.
If you have a different phone number for new potential client inquiries, list that here. This is the phone number we will use in your promotional listing on our website.
Do you also have a general organizational email that you would like us to include for referrals? This is normally something like or
We offer the following services to developing and operational PACE organizations (check all that apply):
Our memberships are done on an organizational basis. Once your organization is approved as a member, all of the benefits of membership are available to your entire staff. In order for them to take advantage of their member benefits, they'll just need an NPA account.
This field is required
If you are creating a list, we'll need the same information that we asked for you above (full name, postnominal, job title, email, preferred direct phone number). Or, if it's easier for you, feel free to upload an existing staff roster. Word and excel files preferred, but we can also accept PDF files.
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