Dues Model

NPA’s census-based dues model for operational PACE organizations is designed to provide transparency, predictability, and simplicity for dues calculations.

General Policies

NPA's membership year is July 1 - June 30.

For all PACE organization members, the annual dues “floor” (minimum) is $15,500 per PACE organization member (defined by H number) and the dues “ceiling” (maximum) is $49,000 per PACE organization member. 

Effective July 1, 2024 (FY 25), any increase in dues will be capped at 20% for PACE organizations in their first three years of operations and 35% for a PACE organization beginning in year four of operations and beyond. 

Dues Model Options

Census-Based Model for 1-2 PACE organizations

A multiplier recommended by the Finance Committee annually and approved by the board during the budget process, subject to the caps described above.

Census Multiplier

The Board of Directors reviews the dues model parameters annually. The multiplier approved by the board for FY 2025 is $230/participant.

Each PACE organization’s census was derived from the CMS Monthly Report by Contract as of April 1, 2024, along with the following additional members captured in the NPA Medicaid Capitation Rate Survey as of Jan. 1, 2024: Medicaid-Only, Medicare-Only, VA and Other. If a PACE organization did not report their Medicaid-Only, Medicare-Only, VA and Other census as of Jan. 1, 2024, NPA estimated the census for this cohort.

Two-Tier Dues Model for “Multis”

There is a two-tier dues model for “multis” [defined as 3 or more PACE organizations (delineated by CMS H number) which are under common control (ownership of 50% or more) OR common management (defined as consolidated authority over financial decision-making)].

A: Enterprise Offering

An enterprise offering “off-ramp” for multis which provides member-specific services duplicative of those provided by NPA (e.g., data, not advocacy) and who attest to common control or common management and the duplicative member services provided (for FY25, this is an additional 10% dues discount); OR

B: Negotiated Dues Discount

A negotiated dues discount that considers multiple factors, including the following: 

  • number of programs;
  • number of points of contact;
  • consolidation of NPA services and support; and
  • at a minimum, applies the “floor” dues to each program.
Note: Negotiations will be guided by the principles of inclusion, representing the maximum number of PACE organizations from an advocacy and public relations perspective and maintaining membership/dues revenue.
Approved by the NPA Board of Directors, Feb. 10, 2023

Questions or Concerns?

Contact Member Services