Find Other Members

Expand your reach and foster meaningful connections with your PACE colleagues and peers across the country.
Search Tips
In the search, use the various fields and criteria to find your colleagues. You can search by a person's name, by organization, location or professional role.
Members often select their professional role in the drop down and search for others in the same role in their state, for example, or they leave the state field blank for a national search.
A note about search results: only members with active accounts with NPA appear in the search. Staff members may have more than one professional role, but may only select one (their primary job function).
Is a colleague missing?
Encourage them to create an account. It's simple and easy to do.
Is someone no longer there?
Has a colleague left their organization? Let us know to deactivate the account.
Is your listing wrong?
Update your member profile. New email address? We'll have to change that for you.
For More Information
Contact Robin Iten Porter