What Is PACE Care?


PACE Is Care That Revolves Around You

PACE was created as a way to provide you, your family, caregivers, and professional health care providers the flexibility to meet your health care needs and to help you continue living in the community.

PACE social worker talking with participant In PACE there is never a co-pay, deductible or coverage gap so you can access the care, services and medications that you need.

An interdisciplinary team of professionals will provide all of the coordinated care you need. These professionals are also experts in working with older people. They will work together with you and your family (if appropriate) to develop your most effective plan of care.

Asian male with female caregiver Once enrolled in PACE, the amount you pay each month will not change no matter what care and services you might need. The program provides all the care and services covered by Medicare and Medicaid, as authorized by the interdisciplinary team, as well as additional medically-necessary care and services not covered by Medicare and Medicaid. PACE provides coverage for prescription drugs, doctor care, transportation, home care, checkups, hospital visits, and even nursing home stays whenever necessary.

In PACE there is never a co-pay, deductible or coverage gap so you can access the care, services and medications you need. Because PACE provides and is responsible for all of your care, you may be held financially responsible for any care you receive outside the program that is not approved by the PACE interdisciplinary team.

Visit Us for the Care You Need, Stay in the Home You Love

We all want the best care for our aging loved one, but getting that care can be frustrating. If you have an aging loved one, you know what it’s like to drive your loved one from appointment to appointment; to manage all of their medications; to deal with doctors who don’t talk to one another; and you struggle with leaving your loved one at home, alone and without the supervision, company and interaction they want and need.

PACE Is a Different Kind of Care

It doesn’t have to be this way. Thousands of families across America have found a different and better kind of care for their aging loved ones – PACE. And what these PACE families have experienced is a program that provides and coordinates all the types of care your loved one needs, so you don’t have to place them in a nursing home. PACE care includes medical and personal care, rehabilitation, social interaction, medications, transportation and more, all in one place so your loved one can live at home. You can view the full list of PACE services.

Note: You can leave a PACE program at any time. Enrollment and disenrollment usually occur at the beginning of each month.
Note: In the State of Pennsylvania, PACE is known as LIFE, or Living Independence for the Elderly.
Note: You cannot enroll or disenroll at the Social Security Administration office. Please contact the PACE organization directly.

PACE Services

  • Primary and specialty medical care
  • Prescription and over-the-counter medications
  • Lab tests and diagnostics
  • Medical supplies
  • Dental, hearing, vision and foot care
  • Nursing

More Services

PACE by the Numbers




Per Month

Trips Per Month


Meals Served
Per Day

Meals Served Per Day



Family caregivers would recommend PACE